Friday 2 September 2011

Day 5 - How did they do this?

The boys went really fast today. After a rainy start the weather cleared quite nicely. They managed to get to the finish and the campsite at the same time as the support team, which is quite amazing, knowing I only spent 30 mins lunch break updating the blog and doing some grocery shopping. We arrived at 16:00, and as camp was not yet ready, it was a team excercise to get it all setup.

After setting up the camp, there was still plenty of time for other activities. Great to see them doing something else then either biking, of taking care of their bike.

We had a great dinner at Au Grain de Sel, Paul and Chris were taking turns in telling jokes, I don't think the team has laughed as much in the days before. We all retired around 11pm, only being woken up by some french folks using the little roads across the camping as a race track at 3am. Seemingly, their was a party as well somewhere, which was quite noisy and went on and on... and then... the snoring does not even get mentioned...

Watching the video from the action camera.

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