Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 1 - Alpe d'Huez - Preparation

The first day started with about 100km to the bottom of the Alpe d'Huez. Riders worked as a single team to make it to the final checkpoint, but each would take a personal approach to the top. After a little rest, some soup and a few snacks the team started their ascend of the mountain, looking up at 21 switchbacks. The poll resulted in Edwin being favorite to arrive at the top first, Chris and Lennart to make it 2nd and 3rd.

Have a look at the boys getting ready for their challenge, the photos speak for themselves.

Paul and Ben discussing plans

Chris and Serge still think it is going to be fun

Lennart seems a bit more nervous

Gil contemplating, Alpe d'Huez in the back

Final executive chat

Yep, all the way up there, on the top is the finish

Menno preparing mentally

Team is ready for departure, remember already 100km done in the morning

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