Sunday 28 August 2011


While the riders were flying to Italy, and making their way to Bardonecchia, Marco and Rolf left on friday, with the camper and the van.
Loading the bikes was a challenge in itself, getting all the other stuff loaded was quite an achievement as well. At 12:30, we were ready to depart for about 1200km, mostly trough rainy weather.

Eventually, Marco found a companion to drive with him: Tigger accepted the final open position we were recruiting for. He will be added to the team page properly shortly.
Having Sully and Tigger with us resulted in us getting loads of really funny looks from other drivers and staff at gas and toll stations. At parking lots, lots of people could not resist a little smile when they looked at our team.

As you can see, transporting serious bikes in a camper is not so straightforward, we had to pack them carefully.

At around 21:30, we arrived at a little campsite near Langres, still raining of course. As most beds were taken up by the bikes in the camper, we had to setup one of the tents for rolf to sleep in. Marco guarded the bikes during the night.

Saturday, we got up at 7:00, and left for the last part of the trip. Weather was slowly clearing up, but still was not that great.

Once we got through the Frejus tunnel, the weather was much more pleasant, actually perfect. Clear blue skies, but not too hot. We arrived in Bardonecchia at 15:00, about time for a decent lunch.

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