Wednesday 31 August 2011

Showtime - Leg Check

It is time today to involve the readers of this blog in a little quiz..

Some people in our offices mentioned they could recognize professional riders by just at them from behind! We took that idea and turned it into a little quiz. If you can name the pairs of legs correctly, in the order as shown, from left to right, you will receive a signed team photo.

You can participate by just leaving a comment to this post, listing the names of the riders in the order as shown in the picture of the legs, so something like "The order is: Paul, Edwin, Gil...". Do not leave the comment anonymously, as we will not be able to hand out the prize.

Good luck guessing who is who! (click on the picture to get a bigger version)


PR team Netherlands said...

van links naar rechts
1 Serge
2 Edwin
3 Chris
4 Menno
5 Ben
6 Gil
7 Len
8 Paul

jeanne said...

Legcheck jeanne:
Van links naar rechts:
1. Serge
2. Chris
3. Paul
4. Edwin
5. Ben
6. Gil
7. Len
8. Menno

jeanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobette Zonderland said...

Leg check Bobette:
Van links naar rechts:

1. Serge
2. Ben
3. Paul
4. Chris
5. Edwin
6. Gil
7. Lennard
8. Menno

Live Action Marketing Team said...

Van links naar rechts:
1: Edwin
2: Menno
3: Ben
4: Chris
5: Lennart
6: Paul
7: Gil
8: Serge

PR Team Netherlands said...

van links naar rechts


Alma H said...

1 Serge
2 Lennart
3 Edwin
4 Chris
5 Menno
6 Ben
7 Paul
8 Gil
Groetjes van Alma & team European Operations!