Thursday 25 August 2011

Support Team Extended

Today we have some great news to share with you all. We bumped into Sully today, started chatting and agreed he would join the Support group for the team. We are delighted that after all the discussions between the riders about their legs, with Sully we do not have to discuss any of that, hairy legs are just a given for him...

His advice to the riders: Be Brave! Do not wax, do not shave!

Sully will be riding with Rolf in the camper, in the passenger seat. After the photo shoot we allowed him to sit behind the steering wheel just for once which he really enjoyed. As he is now a full time team member we decided to add him to the Team Page as well.

His Bio is still in the writing, but it's most likely going to be around his abilities to provide motivational words, and words of support when most needed.

Hopefully Marco will also find a mate to accompany him in his mini-van. We'll keep you posted.

Here are some images from the photoshoot with Sully.

Getting used to the passenger seat first.

Hopping over to the drivers seat...

Hey!! Look at me!! This is way cool!!

Formal portrait for the team page

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