Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 3 - A long ride

Today was a long ride, 162km, which took about 10 hours to complete. The riders were very tired by the end of the day, but a beautiful ride it was.

Early morning, sun coming up over the mountains

The camp site getting cleared

Team is ready for a long day

Back in the camp


Still having some fun...

What about tomorrow?

Not only the riders need recharging at the end of the day...


Eva said...

Leg check:

Guessing at my best:

Paul Zonderland 3rd from the right (he mentioned the compressions tights enough to flaunt them in the photo too!)

Menno Zonderland - 2nd from the right.

Ben Rockett - Last from right.

PR Team Netherlands said...

van links naar rechts
1 Serge
2 Edwin
3 Chris
4 Menno
5 Ben
6 Gil
7 Len
8 Paul